Connecticut Medicine Doctors,Internal Medicine, Asthma, Allergies,Connecticut Doctors,Connecticut Allergy Doctors,Allergy Doctor,Allergies

Contacts and Office Locations

Dr. Karlin has two offices.

New Fairfield, CT Office Location & Hours

Office Hours:
Monday and Friday: 8:30-2:00
Tuesday and Thursday: 2:00-6:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30-12:00pm
Saturday: Closed

Directions to the New Fairfield Office
88 State Route 37, New Fairfield, Connecticut 06812.
Located around the back of the Fieldstone Plaza.

Danbury, CT Office Location & Hours

Office Hours:
Monday: 2:30-6:30pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30-12:30
Wednesday: 2:30-6:30 (Allergy Shots Only)
Friday: Closed

Directions to the Danbury Office
57 North Street, Suite 422, Danbury, Connecticut 06810

Dr. Karlin services patients from all over Fairfield County.

CT Internal Medicine and Allergy
88 State Route 37, New Fairfield, CT. 203-746-2436 or 57 North Street in Danbury, CT. 203-743-5589  ·
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