Massage Therapy

Connecticut Internist, Fairfield Internist, Internist Doctor Connecticut Internist Doctor Dr. Karlin, Vitamins

On our premises, as an added service to our patients, we are now offering massage therapy in our New Fairfield and Danbury offices.

An AMTA certified massage therapists, Diane Murphy, is a licensed Massage Therapist and is professionally trained in a broad scope of Western, European, and Oriental massage modalities. She can tailor your massage to meet your needs, using either light, medium or deep pressure to relax those aching, tight muscles



The benefits of massage include

• Increased circulation
• Decreased muscle pain and spasm
• Improved sleep
• Relaxation
• Decreased Anxiety and Depression
• Improved sense of well-being

Read here to discover more about the benefits of massage:

CT Internal Medicine and Allergy
88 State Route 37, New Fairfield, CT. 203-746-2436 or 57 North Street in Danbury, CT. 203-743-5589  ·
© Connecticut Internal Medicine & Allergy  ·  Designed By Rainbow Graphics
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